"Well, animals are not like people, Mrs. Simpson. Some of them act badly because they've had a hard life, or have been mistreated...but, like people, some of them are just jerks."
Today, I was forced to serve a pompous jerk of a customer.
Firstly, let me just say this- I have a lot of respect for the elderly. Really, I do. And yes, calling an elderly person a pompous dickwad really does not sit right with me, but in this case I think I was somewhat justified.
So this man comes up to the counter, and wants to get a personal digital recorder. Fair enough (except I hate digital recorders with a passion. For some reason, that sale category just seems to attract morons and incompetent people who CANNOT READ INSTRUCTIONS. Even when the manual comes in seven different languages.)
Anyway, I try to open the cabinet- but the work cabinets often stick and they're difficult to get open. The old pompous guy stands behind me and says something like, "You shouldn't force it, you're young, you should know better."
Meantime, I'm pushing at the glass door thinking, "What the fuck is he on about?"
(Had this been spoken by my 3IC, it would have probably devolved into an extremely immature conversation about sticking things into slots.)
Then later on, as I'm asking him whether he wants the extended warranty, he says, "You've got to be kidding me about that stupid marketing bullshit."
I said, very politely, that I saw no problems with extended warranties and that I actually do take them out myself. Which is absolutely true- they're brilliant for iPods, and I bought one for my Xbox 360. They are a total waste of money on stuff like small radios and printers, and if you get one on a television that doesn't cover dead pixels you're practically throwing your money away...but they come in handy for other things. The XBox warranty was actually a tactical decision- I figured that if anything went wrong, the replacement might end up being an XBox Elite. Tee hee hee.
Anyway, the old guy's response was something along the lines of, "Well, then you're a gullible idiot for falling for that marketing crap."
This made me a little pissed off.
I take very, VERY badly to people insulting my intelligence. I also take very badly to people who address me in an extremely rude fashion. And I can make my own damn decisions, thank you very much. Especially when it comes to the electronics industry, which I have worked in for the past two years.
Except that I work in the retail part of this industry. And you have to be nice. So I pointed out, POLITELY, that I have a sharper marketing sense than that. What I wanted to say was something along the lines of I'M DOING A FUCKING LAW DEGREE YOU ASSHOLE, D'YOU RECKON I CAN FORM MY OWN BLOODY LINE OF REASONING?!
He also read my name badge and said, not in a particularly polite way, "You don't look like a Daphne."
Which coming from him, sounded fairly perjorative, with possibly racist undertones. In my old branch, I used to have to put up with moronic dialogue like:
"Daphne...is that your real name?"
"No, is it your REAL name?"
"YES." (Are you an idiot, woman?)
"No, but is it the name you were born with?"
"Because sometimes Chinese people come over and take a different name..."
Born. Here. In. Australia. Get. Over. It.
Do I SOUND like I'm fresh off the boat? Nooooooo.
Except I bit my tongue and said, "Well...that's the first time anyone's ever said that."
I don't care what race you are, how old you are, what religion you are...a jerk is still a jerk.
On the other hand, towards the end of my shift, six hours later, a Chinese man came in with his little three year old girl, clinging to his leg. When it was time to leave the counter, I waved down at her. She stopped, then smiled, and waved back. (My heart melted. Right then and there.) But she didn't stop there- after another moment of deliberation, she smiled shyly and blew me a kiss. I blew her a kiss back, in front of the entire waiting queue- because if a gorgeous little child like that can show such affection for a complete stranger, the dickwads and jerks of this world have a lot to learn.
And you know what? I don't have to even think about work for the next week. As of tomorrow, I'm on ANNUAL LEAVE.
No customers for an entire eleven days.
Off to sunny New South Wales, then four glorious days off for sleeping in, coffee-drinking and relaxing.
Current mood? Happy :)
Oh, that little girl sounds absolutely beautiful. As for the dickwad...well he sounds like just about the most massive jerk that I have never had the pleasure of encountering. On the brightside, the nature of being old is that he is likely to die soon, and that little girl will be able to brighten people's days in his place.
Ummmmm and we're going to SYDNEYSYDNEYSYDNEYSYDNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cue ridiculous excitement. Couldn't sleep so I am packing. w00t!
Ugh, what a DICK!!! I can't say I would have had the self-control to restrain myself from berating that guy.
I can not believe what a toss pot that guy was! I would've absolutely said something FAR worse back - fancy questioning you about your name.
Daph, some people in like are complete wankers. It's a fact. During times of dealing with wankers, I think profanities are the only reasonable form of reply.
PS: Have a FANTASTIC time in Sydney! / dies a little bit inside
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