They are actually bluntly cruel about it- there's always a '20 AND STILL SINGLE?' and a picture of an extremely frightening male that I probably would happily stay single NOT to date. Like this one time there was this a picture of this guy with tattoos who looked kind of Chopper Read-ish.
Anyway, I was on Facebook just then and the stupid ad was there...
...but it had JENSEN ACKLES.
Don't believe me?
Here's a screenshot grab:

See, I thought they were just posting photos of random everyday people. But I guess they're just scrounging the net blindly collecting random male images.
If I could meet Jensen Ackles by joining SinglesNet....hell, I'm there.
Unfortunately, I doubt that the gorgeous picture of Jensen is actually representative of their true clientele. More's the pity.
Ah, well. I still carry him around in my handbag as the background for my phone.
Obsessive fangurl? Not moi!
1 comment:
Jensen Ackles?!!! DROOL. I would be on singles net in a flash if so. I'm sure there's someone on there as nice as Ackles...just with the body of Big Kev and the people skills of a placenta.
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