Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Mysterious Allure of André Rieu

A funny thing happened at work today.

An elderly man came in wanting to swap his faulty DVD player for a better one. "No worries," says I, "Try this LG one if you want to play DVD-R discs."

Elderly customer would like to test out his DVD-Rs (which he has conveniently brought into the store). The LG player was set up next to this massive 50" Samsung LCD in the front window. It's a beast of a screen...and he tested out a burned copy of André Rieu in concert.

Yes. André Rieu.

André Rieu is a concert violinist. I'm not sure how or why he is so popular, but every woman above 65 seems to think he is sex on on legs with a fiddle. (I use the word 'fiddle' in the most literal sense.)

As soon as I popped in the disc of André Rieu, every elderly person in a 10m radius GRAVITATED towards the screen like moths to a flame. Flies to a honey pot. Me to a stocktake sale.

And they just stared.

Stared at André Rieu waving as he wandered his way up to the stage. Stared as he flashed his pearly whites and waved once more. Stared as he started to play.

It was really odd, watching all these elderly people standing transfixed in front of the screen.

Especially because André Rieu is just. not. attractive. (dodges barrage of flying handbags and walking canes)

Especially not when his image has been upscaled in a most unflattering way on a large television.

Strange. Very, very strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe they remember him in his hayday (i don't know who he is btw) or genuinely appreciate his music?

Lol. I feel sorry for old people... because I know we're going to be like them someday. I hope I'm cool crazy old lady with crazy swishy skirts.