Literally, it looks like a pudding bomb has gone off in spectacular fashion- our entire stove is coated in brown debris and the roof is charred black above the stove where the pudding blew up.
(This, incidentally, is what happens when you leave a tinned pudding boiling in hot water on a stove at high heat, and you forget all about it and leave it there for two and a half hours.)
Unfortunately or fortunately, I was in the shower at the time of the hindsight, maybe this was a good thing, as I didn't really fancy having to explain pudding-related burn lesions on my face at work tomorrow...
At any rate, downstairs now smells entirely like fragrant, albeit charred, brandy pudding. I just stood there and laughed, then finally offered to clean the walls .
(I also took some pictures of this momentous's not every day you get an edible re-enactment of Pompeii in your humble household.)
I couldn't get a very good view unfortunately- I had to lean over the bench to snap some shots because the floor was covered in three millimetres of pudding crumbs...
This is one of those rare occasions where I can actually say 'Lol'. I am laughing out loud in my bedroom and my mum thinks that I am crazy.
Pudding explosion...tee hee! At least it wasn't egg. Or durian cake. Or fermented fish pudding.
I can't WAIT to see your roof next time I come over.
Glad no one was scarred by burning pudding.
HAHAH.... Good times...
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