Saturday, August 18, 2007

Things You Wish You Hadn't Seen #1

Passing by one of the aisles today at work, I noticed a kid standing next to the massagers.

To be precise, one of the new Quad Massagers with four heads that lights up when you push the button.

Which would have been perfectly fine and innocent...

...had he not been putting it over his groin.

The kid looked about seven years old, so it wasn't like he knew what he was doing. I didn't believe what I was seeing at first, so I subtly doubled back- and yups, he was still standing there with that thing over his crotch. I didn't do anything- what could I possibly say? "Hey, sweetie, you can't just jerk off in the middle of the store..."

The lesson here is...don't touch anything that vibrates. You never know where it's been.

1 comment:

Kristine said...


That is DISGUSTING. I have used those massagers in stores before! But only on my back, let us be clear.

Reminds me of the boy in holiday program who would spend the whole day with both hands down the front of his pants. Seriously.