Monday, October 8, 2007

And so it continues...

Mother (after I arrived home one hour later than expected): Where have you been?

Me: I-

Mother (looking searchingly into my face): Ooh, maybe you have a secret boyfriend? Hmm? That's why you're late?

(Gives me 'hopeful' as 'desperate'...stare)

Me: Mum...we had another hour lecture on feminism in the law. That's why I was late.

Mother: Oh.

I get the funny feeling that my mother is getting a little bit desperate. Just a little bit...


Kristine said...

Wha da far?

I feel someone may be advertising on your blog. Just perhaps.

I suppose because I am the oldest my parents didn't get desperate: they just moved onto greener pastures. A year ago it was

"So Emily, I bought you this low cut top and push up bra"
"Emily, have a case full fo make up"
"Emily will there be boys at the party? GOOD."

Maybe you shouldn't have told her it was a feminism lecture, instead said it was a handsome boy modelling school (who are incidently a good boy band) contest and you were judging.

Anonymous said...

hahah Kristine's comment!!

Yeha, my parents have polar opposites for daughters. Basically my dad threated to force me to marry some random guy they choose, if I'm still married by the age of 30. Whereas he predicts my sister will get married once she graduatees from uni at the age of 21, saying that is way too young.

Hm... Interesting how our parents have a need to make sure their children are indeed straight, and eventually will produce grandchildren.