Friday, February 29, 2008

Things I've Learnt From the First Week Back

Things I Learnt From The First Week Back At Uni:

1. Parking went up 10%.

2. The law faculty consists of over-groomed boys who don't quite meet the requisites for the classification of 'eye candy'. Unless they are under 50 k.g and appear to be suffering from malnutrition, in which case they meet Kristine's criteria...

(Being the mature, un-judgemental people that we are, we have been using an eye-candy rating system out of 10 in our first week, so Torts was a 5/10 and Constitutional was apparently a 2/10. What a bust.)

3. "Spanish men are not shy about adjusting public." (Spanish lecturer taking my class on Hispanic culture and society.) So apparently we should not be alarmed at the sight of an Hispanic man with his hand down his trousers "to make sure that everything's where it should be."

4. Spanish people seem to have a preoccupation with testicles. Although you might have gathered that from No. 3.

5. Tort law is a glorified version of the Blame Game, except it's only fun when the person you're blaming is loaded with money. (Otherwise it's like taking candy away from a diabetic baby.)

6. My English tutor for Fiction Writing was my old Year Seven/Eight teacher, back in the days when I was a wee lass starting high school. Awkwardness.

7. Asian people CAN make good coffee. Sometimes.

8. My Spanish teacher makes the word 'Senorita' sound sexier than when Justin Timberlake says it. Which is really saying something, since aforementioned teacher has at least a decade on JT and is not quite so attractive.

9. If you do Neuroanatomy, your textbook will be packaged with a 12-PACK OF CRAYOLA PENCILS for you to colour the different sections of the brain. Which is why we offered to do April's homework for her :D

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Excellent list Daph, made me laugh. Though I have to protest, I don't like mine to be malnutritioned...I fully support a healthy diet of no, I just like them...wee. Petite, if you will :P.

Some other things I learnt first week back:

1) Being-back-enthusiasm DIES after about 2 lectures.
2) I have no incentive to listen to the 3 lectures I have missed alreadu.
3) Food on campus is PURE EXTORTION.