Monday, July 7, 2008

On Broadway

Earlier tonight, I went Broadway Dancing.

Like Jane Austen's Mr Darcy, I don't often dance. I don't think moving my feet on a Dance Dance Revolution gamepad or jamming to MC Hammer in the privacy of my own home counts- so it's been a while since I've submitted myself to public humiliation of the dance-dance kind.

My friend Kris had gotten us a six-class pass from a silent auction, so off we went to the dance studio for a class of Broadway dance. We figured it wouldn't be too challenging as compared to say, Argentinian tango- surely Broadway just involved some mild clicking of fingers and stepping of heels?


We went at Beginners Level. Y'know, the EASY level. I hate to think of what intermediate, let alone advanced, must look like.

As soon as the class started, the entire group of 40+ people suddenly launched into an explosive, maddeningly fast routine which involved not just finger-clicking, but stepping and swinging and pointing and oh dear God, we were terrified.

Swing, step.


Swing, step, cross, lift, point, step...

(Woman on my left glares at me as I almost swing into her)

Step, up, step back...

(Kris, from my right: "We're dooooomed....DOOOOOOMED....")

Our instructor was a short, perky blonde thing with too much rhythm and too much bare midriff.

Kris and I somehow stumbled our way through superfast routines involving Cabaret, A Chorus Line and Saturday Night Fever, whilst all the practised members of the group glared at us (possibly because after screwing up the moves, we went into fits of quiet wailing.)

Oh, and they made us pretend to have a bowler hat and do chorus line dancing, which was exceptionally bad as it involved flailing of arms and it took everything in my power not to injure any other innocent dancers in the vicinity.

Next on our list is hip hop/funk. Surely pretending to be cool and black will not be as hard as pretending to have a imaginary bowler hat in a chorus line...


Anonymous said...

Things I hate:

People who wear mid-driff bearing tops in winter.

People who are competent dancers.

The box step.

Bowler hats.

Chirpy blondes.

SO LET'S DO HIP HOP! (Where there will be all the above, except it will be a chirpy black person and there won't be any bowler hats or box stepping)


David said...

Your posts are too long for my level of sleepyness, so i did not read most of it.
I did note the went dancing part, YAY!
and that next on the list was hip hop/funk. THis is a good idea, me and a friend did hip hop classes with the short courses place on campus and it was much fun.
Dance on my friend, dance on.

Flabberguster said...

Sounds like sooo much fun!

Even in that horribly exerting kind of way...!