Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little Mucus Update

I just thought I'd give you a little update on my Week-Of-Unwanted-Contact-With-Other-People's-Bodily-Fluids.

Because one of my colleagues SNEEZED on me today.

And not just a general sneeze in my direction, I felt a disgusting splattering of wet droplets on my left cheek.

Did I freak out?

Of course.

I also might have shrieked something along the lines of, "I hate you!" but y'know, I didn't really mean it.

After he'd sneezed on me, after I'd recoiled in absolute horror, my assistant manager told me he'd take over my customer and to go and wash my face.

But I couldn't, because I had carefully-applied foundation on my left cheek that was also concealing a spot, so it was really a toss-up between vanity and hygiene.

So I dabbed water (oh so carefully) on my left cheek, hoping that it wouldn't make the foundation go all weird, and patted it dry with a paper towel, mentally reminding myself to disinfect my face in the shower when I got home.

(Be assured that cleanser and exfoliater was duly applied later that evening.)

First blood, then two days later, nose mucus in droplet form. And these things come in threes...

Why are people so disgusting?!


Anonymous said...

I'd just taken a large mouthfull of a rather sloppy sandwich when I started to read that post. OH GROSS. BAD BAD BAD.

If you are unlucky enough to get a third dose of gross, I hope that its a repeat of one of the first two, because qutie frankly if you've used up snot and blood, all you're really left with is worse!!!

My collegue sliced open the skin on her forefinger just above the second joint at work two day ago, you could lift up the entire flap of skin and see underneath.

Anonymous said...

Aww... I guess it can't be helped. It's just human to be gross, better than living in China! Everyone spits everywhere... Blechh...

Watch the Notebook! I'm sure you'll like it, because you liked Atonement, which is a clear indicator of how truly sappy you are... hehe!! =p