I just only realised that RealPlayer 11 downloads videos from YouTube.
For offline viewing.
I've only just discovered this. And I feel like such a n00b.
However, I am now regretting discovering this, as this means that I can waste my download quota (and my study time) downloading lots and lots of clips. It's going to be worse than Facebook. In fact, I am considering getting a timer fixed onto the screen of my computer just so I can monitor my internet usage, as I am spending entirely too much time on this machine.
However, I felt like slightly less of a n00b when I realised that my Dad's PC was probably running RealPlayer 10.5 or under, which is why I never discovered this feature...and it never occurred to me to download a third media viewer on this PC, y'know, just in case Windows Media Player and iTunes fail. And who uses Real Player anyway?! Except my uni, which is why I had to download it in the first place...
And now I'm rambling again. But I'm so excited I just had to share :D
Now I can watch "Dick in a Box" over and over...and sing along!!!
N.B (I know that this probably belongs on Technobabblement but no one's going to notice it there, so I am announcing it over here!)
Yesterday I was exhausted. I should have been in bed. And yet, for some retarded reason, I wasted 30minutes watching 'nigahiga' clips on youtube. Using up our very tiny download quota.
So this new discovery is great...it won't help with the procrastination, but at least no one else has to suffer from it now!
that's pretty awesome.
I abandoned that player a while ago, but so getting it back now. XD
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