I refuse to believe it.
I don't care that it fits perfectly into the timeline. I don't care about how it makes sense. You cannot turn my handsome boy from this...

...into this:

I don't care about five billion friggin' years of evolution, this is JACK HARKNESS.
(In case you couldn't tell, I was slightly upset by the end of this year's season finale.)
That is quite a big difference. Indeed. He looks more like... the Asian version of Bob Marley leftover.
I never got round to watching Doctor Who, because the one time I sat down to watch it, I had absolutely no idea what they were on about.
Hey Daphne! I checked up on this site that I haven't seen in ages. It's so awesome. Hahha, I had to show you.
I don't understand. I thought you were referring to Pirates of the Caribbean... !
Wait - you're talking about Doctor Who right?
I Just wonder how his face can get that huge... plus: I don't wanna believe it, too.
ROFL yes the Face of Boe is indeed Jack Harkness!!! :D
You can't change that!
Oh, and I LOVED so much this twist :3 I love Jack and Face of Boe was my favourite creature. It is so dam awesome to me ;3
I don't see a problem with it. I personally Loved Jack Harkness. I also LOVED The Face of Boe. To have JH evolve into TFoB was perfect in my book. Geeked me right out. lol
I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.
haha :D And I Think this is funny :D I like Face Of Boe, and I think that capitan is him :D But for his fans, who don't know that yet. Theres more Captain Jack in Torchwood. :D (sorry for mistakes if there are any. I'm from Poland so give me some credit :D)
Maybe captain just got a big head from all that flirting
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