After the rather tumultuous events of last week, my brain has decided to counter all that over-stimulation by only absorbing happy squishy stuff that doesn't require hard thinking. Or any type of concentration.
Don't get me wrong, I had a most excellent week- I got to achieve my dream of eating a grilled rump steak for breakfast, was almost suffocated on a dancefloor with shirtless guys slicked in foam, played with a heck of a lot of glowbands, failed an extremely important pre-requisite subject, drank an espresso martini on fake grass, had a lovely Devonshire tea at a friend's place, was woken up by a mighty rendition of My Humps (AGAIN), woke up almost screaming from a nightmare in which I was pregnant with Kevin Federline's third child (I CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW HORRENDOUS THIS WAS), watched Mulan at a video night and heard this young lady shriek with uncontrolled excitement when a two dimensional cartoon cartoon character took his shirt off, and I worked four shifts and was forcibly reminded of why I HATE SELLING IPODS.
Oh, and the morning after the foam party I was woken up by the sound of a chainsaw next door.
Anyway, my brain has decided that over-stimulation and little sleep makes Daph a very very crazy girl. So you know what I've been doing to recover?
I've been reading teenage romance novels and listening to The Love Album by Westlife.
Oh, Daphne, how low you have sunk.
It's Kris' fault, really. She recommended Twilight. You know that series which teenage girls (and as one journalist wrote, "women who should know better") are all obsessed with? It's about a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire. It's about as badly written as you might expect and full of bizarre subliminal messages about the virtues of abstinence...but it's also very very easy to read and requires very little thinking. Furthermore, the guy the protagonist falls in love with is like the vampiric equivalent of Mr Darcy...all moody and broody yet female readers cannot help but swoon over him.
If it lessens the disgust you must be feeling, I really am only listening to the one track on the Westlife album (All Out Of Love) because their rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart made me want to scream and smash the disc into tiny pieces. And it's the property of my local library so I can't.
In an effort to dispel this mushy, swoony why can't I find unconditional love without the vampirism crap, I went and borrowed the DVD for the ULTIMATE ANTIDOTE to the lovey teenagey-ness of Twilight.
I borrowed Blade II.
I'll be back after I've watched Wesley Snipes decimate a whole lotta shit.
LOL> you are so right my friend SO RIGHT! I know exactly how you feel...
I have this sudden urge to watch High School Musical 3 AND Twilight. DAngnabbit!
Best cure of course, is to go out and jump into a ice-cold pool.. lol. But hardly anything can really be worth that enduring pain of real exercise...
Btw - can you delete my flabberguster xanga & the livejournal thing from your list of blog links? Lol. I started a new one, because i kinda like blogspot. Anyone can comment, unlike xanga. Oh boy - i'm gunna annoy alot of people with all this swapping...
Hehe. Have you seen the movie yet? It's EXACTLY like the book, ultimate chick flick, turn-the-brain-to-mush type stuff. Awesome. (except he's not hot)
Cannot think coherently...sorry. Must see movie of this mushy crap asap. I read the book on the long train ride to Gold Coast...oh sigh...oh glory...
(Goes off to online stalk Jacob)
PS. How much has twilight ruined you for all men? No one can ever to compare to that alabastor skin now...incidently, Tyler in the movie is black. And Eric asian. TEEHEE.
What subjects are you doing next semester? Was your property law mark right?
By the way, Twilight was shite. I only saw it because I had a free ticket, and it was worse than I expected. Edward is such a tool. He's threatening her and criticising her for stumbling a bit and she's like "I trust you". They apparently are in love 5 minutes after meeting. If you think about it the story is really sexist and that makes it really offensive to me. It doesn't help that the author is some mormon nutter who is trying to push her religious beliefs in a poorly written love story.
I could keep going, but I won't.
Hope you're enjoying your holidays.
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